Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baby Shower

I can have a baby now! I've been having my weekly doctors appointments and I was so worried that I was going to have the baby before any of my showers and I just felt totally unprepared. Well yesterday I had my first shower so now I feel ok about having him. I am more prepared!! It was a great turn out and thanks to all of those who came. I got so many great gifts! My mom made me the cutest blankets and quilts, I got tons of the necessities, and some really cute clothes! Now the only thing to worry about is the whole giving birth! I don't like medical types of things and don't do well with needles! I passed out 3 times when my sister had her baby so I am a little nervous about the whole thing. I just wish we could skip that step and have the baby here!


Jason, Kim, & Kallie said...

Hey Marci!! I am so sad that I didn't get to come!! I will be in St. George in a few weeks and I MUST come and see you... maybe you will have the little guy by then! Looks like you got some good stuff, ahh I am so excited for you and J.

~..kass..~ said...

No way are you ready to have a baby! You are too tiny! I would think for sure with Jason as the daddy that boy would be huge! Good luck any day now! :D